

Solve React error "Property autocomplete does not exist on type"

Sometimes, it happens that an easy-to-solve issue takes you more time than it should. The Typescript React error "Property autocomplete does not exist on type" is maybe one of them.

How to use Chakra UI Button and Link components with NextJS Link

There is some glue to add to make Chakra UI and NextJS work together. The Chakra UI components do not generate the "a" tag by default for a link. Let's see how to use the Chakra button to generate links between pages.

Extend Window type with Typescript

Some of the object properties or functions are not available in the Typescript Window type. Let see a way to extend the Window type with the missing properties.

Gatsby + Netlify CMS + TailwindCSS Starter

Just created a new starter coming from some of my website development and powered with Gatsby.

How to render a React element to an HTML string?

What happens when you want to render a React string to HTML? For some reasons, you may want to have the generated HTML string from your React component instead of a mounted component and render it on the page.

How to manage Internationalization with NextJS SSG

Staticaly generating a website with the NextJS framework in different languages is not so obvious.

How to render emojis with JavaScript

For the content of your posts, emojis add some fun to your pages. This short post explains how to make that possible in JavaScript.


React Component for Outbound Links

In this snippet, I will show you how to create a custom React component for outbound links that includes specific attributes for SEO concerns, such as rel="noopener noreferrer" and target="_blank".

React Component for Outbound Links